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Category: Men's Valentine's Day

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Valentine (Love Songs) Digital Book & ALL Trax (part mixes) - MEN
This is a complete package of the Men's version of the 14 song Valentine (Love Songs) Book. It includes a digital copy of the full-color, 93 page book (with 28 separate arrangements!)... plus all the vocal learning trax mixes (140!!!) for the 14 songs (which includes both the "ValentineGram" AND "generic" versions). Also included is some helpful ideas for marketing BOTH "live" Singing Valentines by chorus quartets... as well as using the recorded full mix demos of the songs to play over the phone to someone.

You will download all of the above materials at the end of your ordering process. Due to the extremely large amount of mixes, the downloading process will take possibly ten minutes.... or more.

NOTE: All licensing has been pre-paid. There is no licensing cost for you!