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Details of My Mixing Format

If you’re a first-time user of my Vocal Learning Trax, I need to say a few things about them.  First, they’ve been mixed in a discrete stereo format.   The following is some important information regarding this “stereo mix” format as well as the advantages of this mixing technique.

When you purchase a set of vocal learning trax, you get 5 different mixes: FULL, LEAD, BASS, BARI, AND TENOR MIXES.  The part is always ALL BY ITSELF in the left speaker.... with everything else in the right speaker.  Therefore, to completely isolate the part (for example, the Lead mix), play the PART MIX and turn the balance (or fader) control of your car or home stereo completely to the left, or "hard left".  Play the track and notice how you ONLY hear the Lead part.  As you continue to listen to the track, slowly turn the balance control to the right and notice how the other 3 parts become audible... and gradually get more and more predominant!  Now, continue turning the balance control slowly all the way to the right, or "hard right."   Notice how the lead part entirely disappears, and only the bass, baritone, and tenor parts are present.

I've set up all the part mixes in this fashion for 4 important reasons:

  1. It allows you, the listener, to hear your individual part  COMPLETELY ISOLATED with the fader "hard left."  You hear nothing but the individual PART.
  2. By moving the balance control to the right, the other three parts may be added or "mixed" in to whatever amount you wish in order to hear how the whole arrangement fits together and to listen how your part relates to (fits into the rhythm and chords of) the arrangement... which is very important.
  3. There is another advantage of this stereo mixing technique.  You may, of course, go to the other extreme with the balance control "hard right."  This eliminates the individual part completely, and leaves only the other three parts.  This is a quick and handy way to test yourself on a part.
  4. This “stereo” mixing format eliminates the need for several separate (additional) mixes as with the “part predominant” / ”part omitted” mono format.  Fewer mixes to search through means less wasted time.... plus the ability to“mix” and control (using the balance control of your stereo player) the volume level of your part in relation with the other 3 parts.

The vast majority of home and car stereos (and some "boom boxes") have a left-to-right balance (or fader) control.  In the event you may be listening using a small, hand-held type CD player (which doesn't have a fader control), push either the right or the left earphone slightly off behind the ear to hear which "mix" you desire.

Unless you’re already familiar with this “stereo” format for Learning Trax, it will be necessary to explain to your chorus or quartet members how this stereo format works.  You might find it useful to give them a copy of the pertinent information above to head off a bunch of questions.