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Sheet Music Licensing Fees and Mechanical Licensing Fees


All "print music" (sheet music) needs to be licensed by the publisher who controls the rights (copyright) to the song which I have arranged. As of January, 2000, new publisher regulations require you (my customer) submit a "licensing request" directly to the publisher and pay the licensing fee. No arrangements are available directly from my website. When you purchase an arrmt/Trax combo, on the downloads page, you are unable to download the sheet music.... and are directed to email me requesting information on how to obtain sheet music licensing. Publishers have websites with specific pages allowing for licensing submissions. I can NOT distribute complete copies of the sheet music unless the proper licensing is in place


These fees have nothing to do with publishers controlling sheet music licensiing!  Publishers have no control over my vocal learning trax... which are audio recordings! That's why you can immediately download (and use!) the audio learning trax from my website. You generally download 5 copies of the learning trax audio (for the song) which you've purchased from my website. You then generate as many audio copies as you need for your quartet or chorus. Mechanical licensing fees should be paid for each audio copy that you generate.  The current mechanical licensing rate is $.091 cents (less than 10 cents) per copy. Since my mechanical licensing liability (for the 5 copies you get from me) is only about 47 cents, I ask that you kindly add that small amount to the total that you submit. These fees should be paid to the Harry Fox Agency in New York.  Although these fees may seem quite small and insignificant, please be LEGAL and pay them.